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The Facts

Below is an ongoing compilation of researched facts behind the damaging aspects of IFC and Panhel. 

Fraternity men are 3x more likely to commit rape than non-greek peers

Fraternity men commit more sexual assaults than those in the general student population.


Fraternity and sorority members have less interest in cross-racial interaction 

Students involved in fraternities and sororities have less interest in cross‐racial interaction, as well as substantially less interest in social justice issues or other types of inclusion.


Female participants in recruitment score higher on self-objectification and eating disordered behavior

Women who participated in recruitment scored higher on self‐objectification and eating disordered behavior and attitudes (especially regarding bulimia) compared to nonparticipants.


71% of those who endure hazing suffer from persistent negative consequences

These consequences may include but are not limited to:

  • Physical, emotional, and/or mental instability

  • Post-traumatic stress syndrome

  • Illness or hospitalization 


Fraternities and sororities focus on higher socioeconomic status and attractiveness during recruitment

Fraternities and sororities place particular focus on higher socioeconomic status and attractiveness in selection of prospective members. 


40 people died from hazing at a university between 2007 and 2017

Over 200 university hazing deaths have occurred since 1838, with 40 deaths between 2007 and 2017 alone. Alcohol poisoning is the biggest cause of death.



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